Third Heaven Healing
Inner Healing for Emotional Wounds and Traumas
New Day has amazing ministers like Pastors Mike and Sharon whose gifting's have helped many people's lives transform through their Third Heaven Healing ministry.

Our Goals:
The goals of Third Heaven are to help those in need of spiritual healing to move closer to God and to other people. We do this by helping people to understand that Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit are the healers of emotional wounds and trauma. The goal is for each person to be able to come face-to-face with God and allow Him to be the healer and restorer in their lives.
This ministry helps people to remove the emotional hindrances so they can understanding their Godly identity, destiny, and purpose in life. This allows them to move forward into effective ministry with God and for God.
It is our desire to bring the wounded and hurt to the Godhead where they can receive restoration and renewal.
Let's work together.
We now have several teams available for inner healing.
Everyone on these teams have extensive training and experience to help those in need with complete healing and restoration.
Everyone on these teams have extensive training and experience to help those in need with complete healing and restoration.