new day ONLINE prophetic ministry

Who We Are

We are followers of Jesus Christ who have experienced firsthand the power and beauty of prophetic ministry. We love seeing God touch people through the prophetic expression because He longs for you to connect with His heart and know His thoughts towards you.
His plans for you are good. He sees you! He is an ever-present help and hope in every season. (Jeremiah 33:3)

When Do We Meet

Unless noted otherwise, prophetic ministry occurs every 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening of the month from 7-8pm/EST through online video conferencing.

Why  Prophetic Ministry

The prophetic expression is a powerful spiritual gift given to the Body of Christ by God. This gift is an expression of Jesus’ heart empowered by His Spirit to and through believers that is a love gift to people. (Revelation 19:10; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11/ 1 Corinthians 13-14)

A Little More Info About New Day Online Prophetic Ministry

What is the prophetic?

All spiritual gifts are given by God including the gift of prophecy.

- 1 Corinthians 12:4-11


Prophetic ministry is designed to build up, encourage and strengthen you in how God sees you; His plans for you and sometimes for confirmation of things you need to be sure He has said to you. 

1  Corinthians 14:1, 4:   It is good that you are enthusiastic and passionate about spiritual gifts, especially prophecy.  When someone speaks in tongues, no one understands a word he says, because he’s not speaking to people, but to God—he is speaking intimate mysteries in the Spirit. But when someone prophecies, he speaks to encourage people, to build them up, and to bring them comfort.

What should I expect?

You can expect private prophetic ministry that typically last 10-15 minutes. Focused, attentive team members will share the words they receive from God for you that will serve to encourage, comfort, empower and reveal God's heart for you in this season of your life.  


Ministry time is not “heavy duty” but loving, life-giving and hope filled!

What do I do with the prophetic words I receive? 

Confirmed prophetic words decreed and stood upon; explored and rightly stewarded are powerful and life changing. Couple your prophetic words with prayer; Biblical truth and promises; obedience, praise and you will be amazed at what God does!
  1. Categorize the words into what is God’s responsibility and what is Your responsibility. 

  2. Highlight the words that are your part in one color and what is God’s part in a different color. 

  3. Pray and seek wisdom and direction from the Lord. 

  4. Seek wise counsel to help you move forward in the parts that you can control and increase your trust with the Lord on the parts that only He can do. 

  5. Take the prophetic words you have received and use them as a weapon of warfare against the enemy.   -1 Tim 1:18-19, NIV Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well, holding on to faith and a good conscience.

Ministry Guidelines  

Generally, speaking, prophetic ministers will not address topics related to mates (romantic interests/marriage decisions), specific dates or babies (pregnancies).

Prophetic Ministry Testimonies

"I really appreciated the gentleness of all the words, and the one-on-one attention I experienced. In fact, I shared the recording with a friend who has not had any experience with Biblical prophecy (and so is scared of all the warnings she's received about it! :) - because it was such a beautiful textbook example of I Corinthians 14:3 prophecy - encouragement, exhortation, and comfort." - Sarah, USA

"I received very accurate prophecy as well as needed encouragement for a difficult season. Confirmation of what the Lord had been sharing with me was also achieved during my session." - Dree, Australia

“Thank you so much for the ministry, l was absolutely blessed and the word I got was so accurate and such an encouragement to me.” - Tremier, Zimbabwe

If you would like to share your testimony please take the time to complete the form below

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We are scheduling appointments as we receive them.

Please limit registration to once every 6 months.